What happened????
I've been dealing with an ill husband for the past year (still dealing with it)...So a lot of my responsibilities at home have changed/increased which has in turn, left me extremely tired. So what do I do? Get take out....or just grab something to eat.....No workouts happen because....I am too tired!
Well I am 14 lbs away from where I started on Jan 1, 2011. I shall not get back to that number! So I restarted by shopping this weekend. Got lots of fresh fruits and veggies as well as boneless skinless chicken breasts, and fish.
I tracked everything I was going to put in my mouth before dinner last night, so I am prepared with my road map for success today!
My ultimate reason for getting back on the straight an narrow....MY DAUGHTER! She loves me....I mean, really really loves me.....I mean, I know you are reading thinking, well duh she does. But she hates for me to be out of her sight! I can't even go to the potty by myself! or take a shower by myself. I always have two little bitty eyes looking in at me (glass shower doors...LOL) I can't bear to know what would happen if I were not around for her. She is my motivation! So I gotta get with it! So far, great! If it's not raining at lunch I might take a walk. But I will definitely work out this afternoon. Gonna pull out my Kickboxing DVD again....
Have a great day! I'll update again later.