Monday, April 18, 2011

Battle of the scale....LITERALLY! It's Weigh in Monday....

Imagine my reaction when I stepped on the scale and it said "235.5"

My actual response????  "NO SHIT!"  Yeah, I said it.  Then I was like, "Uh, no way." so of course I step down and step back up and it says, "236.5" then I step off and back on again and it says "237" so I just shake my head and get back on and it says "236" then the LO flashes...The batteries are low....WHEW!

So I changed the batteries got back on and it said "236.5", got off and back on a few times and it remained "236.5." so that's it!!!!!   236.5!

So you know what this means????

I totally can't be more excited.  I am getting closer and closer to goal!  WAHOO!!!!!

(I know my baby thinks her mommy is crazy but yes, I am jumping around like a fool!---activity points????  LOL)

But I have lost a daily food point....Started at 42, now I am at 38....This is getting interesting....


  1. LMAO @ "NO SHIT" and at you jumping around! Too funny! Again, congrats on losing 10%!!

  2. I'm just glad my daughter didn't hear least I don't think she did. She is in that "repeat everything" phase. She was watching Super Why so I think she missed that.

    Thanks again!
