Monday, September 24, 2012

WTH? Day 7/30

I put in all the work last week and I jump on the scale and I had a .4 increase in weight? WTH?
I looked back in my tracker, as it tells you to when you gain, and sorta kinda figured out what happened.
Well considering the fact that AF was here last week, I didn't compensate for that by increasing water. As a matter of fact, I drank more diet soda! Bad me!
So today starts a new week for me. I'll keep moving and increase my water and hopefully will see a big loss next week!

12:22p-Just had lunch...I'm drinking water with orange from my 24oz Tervis tumbler....boy do I feel a difference already! I have gotten fuller faster and I'm peeing lots! (yep I'm excited about that....ridding myself of the dreaded AF bloat!)

10:19pm  OMG!  Can't believe that it is almost 10:30pm and I haven't worked out yet!  I have a huge project I am working on for Saturday and I have been working on it since 7pm (after eating dinner, feeding my babes, making lunches for tomorrow, cleaning the kitchen...) OMG!  I hate to use this as an excuse but I am not even near done!  I stuck to my points TO A 'T' today and didn't use any over my daily allowance.  I also drank water ALL DAY!   I soooo wish I could get up earlier in the mornings for my workouts but I already get up at 4:30 to get myself to work on time.  Earlier???  That a'int happening!  I will try my best to get my workouts in some way or another this week.  I will have to walk during my lunch break most likely.

Until tomorrow....G'night

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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