Add it up! 180 minutes! 3 hours! So little time that it takes to get moving. We can all spare 3 hours out of our week to get this done, right??? Oh yeah, one more workout for this week (cardio tomorrow-20 minutes).....Yep, I did go over my goal of 3 hours but who cares! I am going to complete one full week!
Worked my favorite body part tonight....ARMS! Shoulder presses, shrugs, raises....Bicep curls--both regular and preacher...Triceps extensions, dips and kickbacks, Resistance band rows, wide dumbell rows, chest press, chest flyes and abdominal crunches---straight, obliques and knee lifts....Yep, I know. I am going to be sore BUT it will be worth it in the end.
I'll leave you with the song of the night......Kanye Weezie!