Sunday, March 11, 2018

Lord have I am again! UGH

Yep...I said it.

As I look back through all of my previous posts, it's disgusting.   I can't believe that I let life get in the way and didn't stick to what I started.

It's so hard to start over!

I have had a journey.   Lost my dear Grandmother last year....moved last year....

Not that these are excuses, I have to mentally get myself on track to do this again.  I HAVE TO!

So many little aches that I never had before....OMG!   Is this a result of aging?  NO!  It's a result of laziness!!!!

I joined WW.  The new freestyle program worked for me FOR A WEEK until I didn't feel like tracking anymore.  Ended up cancelling.  I hate tracking with a passion!

Downloaded the new ultimate value diary which allows the freestyle program to be worked without membership.  Used it for a couple of days....I HATE TRACKING!

Thought about doing low carb/keto but I can't do that for the rest of my life.

What worked for me???  Points plus!  So I need to get back on it.

I think I am going to have to make a sacrifice.....I am going to put baking on the back burner for a while until I get myself on track.  I have a few orders and requests in already that I will honor and I will bake for my family members but Leri's Sweet Confections will have to pause for a bit until I gain a hold of this weight.

Don't know what I weigh right now....  My WW scale is doing something funky.  I stepped on it and stepped off.  Then I stepped on it again and my weight increased 8 lbs!!!!  Then got off and got on again and it was less.  Ordered a new scale that will arrive today.

Now to make my shopping list......