Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 5 of 84....I worked out for 3 hours!!!!

Yes!  I did!  3 hours so far this week!  That's so little considering that we have 168 hours in one week!  Monday's UBWO was 45 mins, Tuesday and Thursday's cardio workouts were 20 minutes each and then Wednesday's LBWO was 45 minutes, and Today's UBWO was 50.

Add it up!  180 minutes!  3 hours!   So little time that it takes to get moving.  We can all spare 3 hours out of our week to get this done, right???  Oh yeah, one more workout for this week (cardio tomorrow-20 minutes).....Yep, I did go over my goal of 3 hours but who cares!  I am going to complete one full week!

Worked my favorite body part tonight....ARMS!    Shoulder presses, shrugs, raises....Bicep curls--both regular and preacher...Triceps extensions, dips and kickbacks, Resistance band rows, wide dumbell rows, chest press, chest flyes and abdominal crunches---straight, obliques and knee lifts....Yep, I know. I am going to be sore BUT it will be worth it in the end.

I'll leave you with the song of the night......Kanye Weezie!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 4 of 84.....Ha....Better late than never!

Betcha thought I gave up.....NOT!   Did a little shopping this evening so that made for a later workout. Yes I was trying to come up with every excuse in the book not to do it....BUT I have the end goal in mind.  Again, I am motivated to do this just as I was when I began this journey.....

So tonight was cardio....Did another High Intensity elliptical workout.  I know it was intense because I did the same 20 minutes that I did on Tuesday except this time, I went a little farther distance....WOOT WOOT!

This one was hard since I worked lower body yesterday...OUCH...but I did it....And I am pouring sweat right now....Ready for the hot shower, lotion, baby powder...and then my bed...well after I watch Scandal....  :)

Well....I will leave you with the song of the night.....Hotness.....Not just Michael Ealy....but also the song!  Absolute awesomeness!  Goodnight!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 3 of 84....GET DOWN GIRL!!!

Sorry...but those who know me best KNOW that I LOVE

MUSIC!!!!! the middle of my LBWO (lower body workout) I broke it all the way down....Dancing....Shhhhh don't tell anyone!  LOL

Anyhow....did an AMAZING leg workout....Hit the hamstrings, quads, Inner and outer thighs, Glutes, Calves and Abs....Used resistance bands for all except the hamstrings...did the dreaded DEADLIFTS for those.

I know I will have jello legs tomorrow...but no pain, no gain, right???  

OK...I'll leave you with my GET DOWN song of the night....(I broke it all the way down....again...shhhhh....Don't tell anyone...LOL)

Still laughing at that one...LMBO!   

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 2 of 84: Feeling Motivated!

Well, here I am!  Re-energizing!  Getting motivated again!   It's day 2!

Today's workout....CARDIO!  The killer high intensity 20 minute workout!  And yes, I am sweating!!!!

Did 1.05 miles in my 20 minutes....Trying to catch my breath as I write this...but I feel great! Glad it's over though...On to the next day!!!!

WHOOPS...gotta make a slight edit to my chart here....I will alternate upper and lower body so every other week there will be two days that I do either the UBWO or the LBWO....I'll move my free day around accordingly...But it will only occur once each week....

...and as usual, I will leave you with tonight's motivational workout song!  LOL  I am NOT A FAN OF CHRIS BROWN!!!!!  but having said that....this song is awesome to workout to....Keep up with this beat on your elliptical/ are likely to pour sweat by the end...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 1 of 84....I can do this!


Exactly how I felt after this holiday weekend.  UGH!  Food Galore!!!!  Totally am disgusted at how I felt this morning!   Gained 1.8 lbs this week!!!!!   So with that said....

OK...Started a new challenge today.  I want to end 2012 with a bang!

Several years ago, my husband and I did the Body For Life challenge.  It is a 12 week challenge that incorporates healthy eating with an easy to follow workout regimen that will build muscle and burn fat.  I lost 25 lbs in 12 weeks the first time I did it.

I am going to PUSH myself for 5 weeks (til the end of the year) so that I can reach a short term goal that I have.  The plan is to do all 84 days though.

Day one is complete....Started at 7:28pm and ended at 8:20...Took a little longer because I did a set of abdominal exercises....

Arms after day one....Pumped!

And I shall leave you with one of my favorite songs by my favorite artist........

This song is best enjoyed with a great set of headphones with the bass UP!   OMG!  PUMPED!  (and yes...he did slip at the 1:00 mark....Saw it live!)  Can't Stop Won't Stop!

PS....Ced...the day that they add this to the xbox game....I'm getting it!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Weigh in Monday

Well, I was going to change my weigh in day to Friday but Friday is not going to work for me. Why? well I found that since I am off every Thursday and Friday, it made me keep track of my foods and all but then after Friday, all I wanted to do was eat! So I changed back to Monday....I did weigh on Friday as I was supposed to and actually was up 1.4 lbs. But weighed in again today and I had lost those pounds. I actually weighed in the exact same today as I did last Monday. Sooooo having said that, I shall stick with Monday weigh ins for now.

FYI: weight watchers smart ones are on sale at Harris Teeter through the end of the day on Tuesday (tomorrow) I printed off a coupon for 3.00 off of 10. Plus they are buy one get one free with one ringing up at 1.49. So I stocked up and I am ready for the week! Gonna make it a great one! Will post after my workout tonight....

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